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Outreach Ministries

Grace Place
This is a food outreach to the poor in our community, is a service many members of St. Patrick’s Church are engaged with that is supported and led by many of the churches of Haver De Grace.

The Kitchen Door is a Ministry of St. Patrick’s Church. It is a food pantry which serves the hungry in our area on the first and third Saturdays of each month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. There is a green bin for food collection in the vestibule of the Hall. Thank you for your generosity to The Kitchen Door over the years. Our neighbors in need are very appreciative! Please call the office for more info 4109392525
Food Pantry

Prayer Shawl
This is a gathering of people that knits or crochets shawls for the sick, the bereaved, for special occasions such as weddings and other needs. The ministry is rooted in prayer and is intended to comfort God’s people in moments of need and joy!
Please call the office for more information

Ministering to Children
Helping our children encounter the Lord and experience His love is our goal. This service is in many forms such as serving as a catechist, serving as an aide in a classroom, designing arts and crafts for use by children. We invite you to pick one that you are comfortable with! Helping to plant the word of God in our children’s life is an eternally rewarding service.

Lawn Maintenance
Do you have an interest in outdoor activities? The lawn beatification team and the Grass cutting team are designed to tap into the joy and pleasure of working outdoors.
Making God’s creation reflect the beauty that He intends is our goal.
To help with this ministry please contact Mr. Tom Parks at or 4109392525

Serving on an Opp
What is an “Opps” team? It is a group of able body men and women that can setup and take down at our parish events. Use your physical strength to serve the Lord’s people and setup for an event that will bring Him glory!
Contact Mr. Tom Parks at or 4109392525