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Eucharistic Revival

Through out the Archdiocese of Baltimore. 

We are renewing our devotion and commitment to the Real Presence of Christ. 

Click For More information 


At our parish we will be having Adoration every Monday from 9am to 7pm.
We will also be putting resources on the Eucharist on this page. 
in the fall we will do a Bible and faith formation seminars on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We will also have a message series on the Eucharist.  
More information to come.  

Prayer for the Year of the Eucharist
Lord Jesus Christ,
the Eucharist is your gift to us.
As we celebrate your mysteries,
the very work of our redemption is accomplished,
and we are filled with every grace and blessing.


May the liturgy become the pattern of our lives.
May our celebrations of this great mystery
draw us ever closer to you and to one another.


Strengthen the bonds of unity in our Church,
that our love for one another may be evident
and we may proclaim your Gospel more effectively.


May the Eucharist bear fruit in our lives,
and deepen our commitment
to serve the poor and vulnerable in your name.
You live and reign for ever and ever. 



615 Congress Avenue

Havre de Grace, MD 21078

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(410) 939-2525


Office Hours: 

Mon-Thur: 9am-4pm

Friday: 9am - 1pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday:  9pm-12pm


Monday - Friday: 8:15am 

Saturday: 4:00pm (Vigil Mass)
Sunday: 8am, 10:30am, 12pm & 5:30pm

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